Strategic Benefit
Chief Editor

The players on the legal market and professional leaders compete strongly and are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their approach. Competition drives the market and is, ultimately, beneficial for clients. But the legal profession is also about strategic cooperation on ­significant matters, like developing better regulation, stronger institutions, promoting greater benefits for business and the country as an investor-friendly jurisdiction. This is a long-running social role of lawyers that should definitely gain traction. Moreover, it’s likely that we will see representatives of the legal profession in the new Parliament, as “the transfer lift” is open with the coming elections in July.

Our longevity on the market and strong commitment to the Ukrainian legal community has enabled us to establish a certain ecosystem. The key role of Ukrainian Law Firms in providing market intelligence means bringing together business, institutions, regulators, foreign investors and lawyers.

Success comes to those firms that act consistently in a creative way, but which are flexible and comfortable for clients, able to compete vigorously and cooperate sensibly.

This Handbook has been traditionally designed in the most convenient way for readers. You can easily choose the sections and issues that are of particular interest and concern to you.

Ukrainian Legal Market presents up to date overview of market trends summarized and facts reach level. Practice Areas and Industries Review bring together up-to-date vision contributed directly by practicing experts. Who is Who in Ukrainian Law presents editorial survey that reveals the legal market landscape, deals and cases analysis, with thoroughly analyzed details for law firm performance in each practice and industry.

Please check the directory at our web-site It provides on-line access to our current and past research, latest news and vacancy announcements. Our most recent launch was that of a new section, interviews.

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